
Showing posts from 2024

Should Biden Step Aside?

NY Times writer Ezra Klein recently posted a powerful episode on his podcast called Democrats Have a Better Option than Biden . He makes a strong case that Biden should step aside and require the Democratic convention in August select someone else to run against Trump. Faced with major pushback this week Klein has himself pushed back. Klein argues that it is not that Biden is too old to be President but that he is too old to be the candidate; that there is a very serious chance he won’t beat Trump. He asks us to compare Biden’s YouTube appearance in 2020 and today to convince ourselves that crucial voters have already begun making the judgement that he is too old, fair or not, and Klein believes those who have observed Biden in action over the past four years including in recent months, that Biden in office is fit, decisive and competent. Klein says however that Biden is unable to present himself persuasively that he is in fact fit for office. There is a very serious risk that this wi

Seeking Social Democracy

Facebook prevents me from sharing Jonathan Sas' excellent Toronto Star op-ed about Ed Broadbent's values and ideals. So, I'm sharing it this way. Click on the next sentence for the link. If you can do only one thing today to celebrate Ed's service to Canada, please read it. Today we grieve and remember together. Tomorrow we get back to work. Please consider a donation to the Broadbent Democracy Fund . Pat and I are supporters, and hope you'll contribute too.