
Showing posts from July, 2021

Ready, Get Set…

We're on the brink of a federal election. It will likely be called anytime between July 31 and Labour Day, and will take place in September or more likely October. An aggregate of recent polls show (with 2019 results in brackets): Liberals at 36% (2019 - 33%), Conservatives 28% (2019 - 34%), NDP 19% (2019 - 16%). The most recent polls indicate those trends are intensifying, although a group of polls within the aggregate show the results are closer. The latest poll by Nanos Research has the Liberals at 37.5%, Conservatives 24%, and the NDP at 21.4%. If the final result is the same as the Nanos poll the Liberals would win a sizeable majority. On the eve of the election, Erin O’Toole significantly trails Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh in popularity and in public acceptance as a “good political leader”. In recent years, we have experienced provincial and federal campaigns that were incredibly stable with the final results very similar to the state of play suggested by pre-election polls. In...