Year-End Reflections

Walking Balmy Beach with Zeus the Wonder Dog at sunset on December 31, 2020 (Toronto) Earlier this year, my sister Martha put us on to Dr. Heather Cox Richardson’s blog, Letters from an American . Like us, many of you have come to rely on Heather for a late night/early morning daily fix on the tumultuous U.S. political scene. Heather is an American historian residing in Maine. She teaches at Boston College and describes herself as a Lincoln Republican. In yesterday’s letter , she reviews the developments in the U.S. in the first 20 years of the new century. Her thesis is that going back to the 1980s the United States has been in a push back led by conservative/reactionary business interests against the New Deal activism of the previous 50 years. The counter revolution started with Ronald Reagan and has culminated in the anti-democratic government of Donald Trump. Thankfully that era, she argues, is coming to a close. The past 20 years have been the “end game of the Reagan Revolution,” ...