A Birthday, a Debate and an Election

Thanks to everyone who offered best wishes on my 80 th birthday last month. I am grateful for the cards, for those of you who lifted a glass to me in the University of Toronto Hart House Debates Room , and for those who ignored Pat’s directive and gave me a present. (I now have a lifetime supply of excellent scotch!) Thank you so very much. Getting to 80 in one piece does help to focus the mind more than any other birthday I have experienced, except perhaps when I was six and got a Royal Canadian Air Force uniform for my birthday. That was 1942, the year of the York South by-election, by the way. My life with Pat, my work with committed colleagues in the practice of labour law, my great relationship with my kids, their spouses, my grandchildren, my sisters and their families, friends of long-standing as well as friendships with many people a generation or two younger than I am -- all this has, I think, kept me from obsessing about the passi...